Pembuatan Sistem Zona Integritas Di Akademi Kepolisian Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development (RAD)
RAD (Rapid Application Development), System The Integrity Zone, The Integrity Zone, Police AcademyAbstract
The Integrity Zone is one of the programs implemented in various government institutions, including the Police
Academy, to improve public services and strengthen good governance. In this context, the development of
information technology-based systems is crucial to support the efficiency and effectiveness of program
implementation. This study aims to develop an Integrity Zone System at the Police Academy using the Rapid
Application Development (RAD) Method. The RAD method was chosen because of its ability to speed up the
system development process through the use of prototypes that can be changed and adapted to user needs. The
result of this research is the Integrity Zone System at the Police Academy which has been developed using the
RAD Method. This system is able to facilitate the implementation of the Integrity Zone more efficiently and
effectively. Through the features provided, users can manage and monitor activities related to the Integrity
Zone, collect and analyze data, and generate the required reports. This research is expected to contribute to
the development of information technology in government institutions, especially in the implementation of the
Integrity Zone program. The RAD method used in this study can also be a reference for other system developers
in dealing with projects with tight deadlines and fast changing needs..
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