Desain UI/UX Aplikasi E-Commerce Kopi Berbasis Android Dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking
UI/UX, E-Commerce, Coffee, Android, Design Thinking, Application DesignAbstract
The development of digital technology has driven the growth of e-commerce as one of the main solutions in meeting consumer needs, including in the coffee sector. This study aims to design a user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) for an Android-based coffee e-commerce application with a Design Thinking approach. The Design Thinking method is applied in five stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. These stages allow for an in-depth understanding of user needs, identification of key problems, development of creative ideas, prototyping, and iterative evaluation based on user feedback. The results of the study indicate that the resulting design is able to increase user convenience, efficiency, and satisfaction in shopping for coffee online. The application design displays intuitive navigation, attractive visuals, and functional features such as product search, user reviews, and secure payment methods. Prototype trials showed a high level of success in meeting user needs, with an increase in user satisfaction of up to 85%. This study makes a significant contribution to the development of Android-based e-commerce applications, especially in the coffee sector, and shows the great potential of implementing Design Thinking in creating user-centered digital solutions.
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