JURNAL LENSA MUTIARA KOMUNIKASI 2025-02-12T14:29:03+00:00 Muhammad Rasyid Ridlo, S.Hum., M.I.Kom. Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia berupaya untuk memaparkan pemikiran kritis maupun hasil penelitian yang berpijak kepada eksistensi Ilmu Komunikasi menghadapi dinamika ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan politik. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia terbit 2 kali selama satu tahun. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sari Mutiara mencoba menjadi sarana publikasi pemikiran dosen dan praktisi untuk berbagi ilmu pengetahuan khususnya di bidang Ilmu Komunikasi</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>eISSN: <a title="eISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-8332</a> (media online)</strong></p> Transformasi Komunikasi Pemasaran di Era Artificial Intelligence 2024-10-28T16:30:25+00:00 Dinni Aulia <p><em>The limitations of traditional advertising formats and the advent of the internet have driven a shift in the advertising industry toward the digital era, making modern advertising more effective and efficient. This transformation has also reshaped the landscape of marketing communication. Innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) play a critical role in facilitating marketing communication in the digital age, enabling companies to engage audiences in more personal and compelling ways. This study aims to explore the role of AI in enhancing the effectiveness of marketing communication compared to traditional methods. It employs a systematic literature review methodology guided by PRISMA protocols. The research focuses on analyzing academic literature and previous empirical studies on AI's role in content personalization, marketing efficiency, consumer behavior analysis, and its impact on customer engagement. The findings reveal that AI offers significant advantages over traditional methods, including improved content personalization, enhanced marketing efficiency, better consumer insights, increased customer engagement, and cost savings. However, challenges such as limited consumer understanding of AI and concerns over data privacy underscore the need for a more humanistic and transparent approach, emphasizing clear communication of AI's tangible benefits to consumers. Successful AI integration requires balancing human expertise with machine capabilities, aligning with broader business strategies, and addressing ethical considerations in its application.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dinni Aulia Preservasi Digital Seloko Adat Jambi, Pantun Betawi dan Berkisah Budaya Batam 2024-11-22T04:14:38+00:00 Muhammad Firman Karim Yasir Riady Melisa Arisanty Ahmad Juma Khatib Muhammad Ajmal <p><em>Maintaining sustainability and facilitating access through digital preservation is a crucial technique for safeguarding traditional cultural heritage amid globalization and advancements in information technology. The purpose of the study is the digital preservation of three very famous but extinct oral traditions originating from three provinces in Indonesia: Seloko Adat Jambi, Pantun Betawi, and Berkisah Budaya Batam. This research method is a qualitative approach to deeply understand the phenomenon of digital preservation in a cultural context. The results of this study are that each of these traditions has significant cultural and social value for its community, but faces major challenges in its preservation, especially with rapid social and technological changes so that there needs to be an action to preserve this material so that it is easy to read and enjoyed by the community, especially young people. Through an analysis of the challenges, problems, and implications of this digitalization process, the writing in this article further identifies the factors that influence the success of digital preservation efforts, such as technological limitations, digital divides, and cultural resistance and future developments. In addition, this article also explores the potential benefits and risks of digitizing these traditions, and provides recommendations to ensure that the essence and values of culture are maintained in the digital age. The conclusion of this study emphasizes the importance of collaboration between local communities, governments, and technologists in maintaining cultural sustainability that can be enjoyed into the future.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Firman Karim, Yasir Riady, Melisa Arisanty, Ahmad Juma Khatib, Muhammad Ajmal Persepsi Mahasiswa Semester Akhir Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Bengkulu Mengenai Dunia Kerja Melalui Tiktok @vmuliana 2024-11-30T06:12:15+00:00 Elvana Melania Hutasoit Dwi Aji Budiman Andy Makhrian <p><em>This research aims to discuss meaning through in-depth interviews with final semester communication science students at Bengkulu University regarding the world of work through TikTok @vmuliana, the presence of the TikTok @vmuliana account aims to provide solutions to all problems of readiness to enter the world of work. Research using Stuart Hall's reception method from the encoding and decoding model with a dominant position and a negotiation position shows that the intensity of exposure to @vmuliana TikTok content has a significant relationship with students' perceptions of preparing to enter the world of work. The existence of differences in the meaning of informants is influenced by contextual factors for each informant, such as background, social norms and values, and the condition and experience of the informant. This research provides knowledge regarding the role of social media as an information learning tool, especially in preparing students to face the world of work. Researchers collected data through interviews with research subjects, Bengkulu University communication science student class 20 and followers of the @vmuliana account and conducted interviews lasting 5-10 minutes. And through research results, it can be found that students who have good digital literacy are better able to filter and utilize information from social media for their career needs and content that discusses skills, challenges and career tips such as the @vmuliana account really helps students understand reality and improve their readiness to enter the world of work</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elvana Melania Hutasoit, Dwi Aji Budiman, Andy Makhrian Persepsi Generasi-Z tentang Political Amateur dalam Pilkada Kota Bengkulu 2024 2024-11-30T06:13:31+00:00 Preiz Paskah Hutabarat Wahyu Widiastuti Sonde Martadireja <p><em>Political Amateur or amateur politics is often associated with individuals who enter the world of politics without having adequate experience or knowledge. This research aims to explore the perception of Generation-Z towards the political amateur phenomenon that emerged in the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) of Bengkulu City 2024, focussing on one of the candidates for deputy mayor, Nuragiyanti Dewi Permatasari, M.Arch. Generation Z, which is now a potential group of voters, has different political views and values from the previous generation. Through a descriptive qualitative approach with the constructivism paradigm, this study uses an in-depth interview method to identify attitudes, judgements and reasons that underlie the perception of generation-Z towards Nuragiyanti Dewi Permatasari as a political amateur, as well as how the candidate's educational background and political experience affect the acceptance of the younger generation. Overall, despite the challenges related to the lack of political experience, the opportunity for Nuragiyanti to gain support from generation Z is very wide open if he is able to utilise technology, transparency, and active involvement with social and environmental issues. The use of social media by Nuragiyanti to convey its vision, mission, and campaign programs transparently and directly to young voters is considered crucial to build a positive image and show commitment to openness. The results of this study provide insight into how generation Z views new leader candidates in the political world and what are the factors that affect their decision to vote in the 2024 Regional Election.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Preiz Paskah Hutabarat, Wahyu Widiastuti, Sonde Martadireja Corporate Communications and Public Relations: Technological Transformation and Digitalization Towards Society 5.0 2024-12-04T01:19:45+00:00 Natasha Constantin Raynaldi Nelwin Irwansyah <p><em>The insurance sector is undergoing a substantial shift in the swiftly changing environment of society 4.0, entering society 5.0 marked by digitization, mobile technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI). The formerly deemed conservative sector increasingly embraces innovative technology to improve operational efficiency and transform consumer interaction. This paper examines the influence of mobile and AI technologies on corporate communication and public relations, explicitly analyzing their effects on the insurance industry via the perspective of technological determinism. The objective is to examine how new technologies transform consumer interactions, trust dynamics, and organizational tactics while addressing ethical issues such as AI transparency and data protection. This study, rooted in technological determinism, highlights technology's independent and socially influenced effects on organizational behaviors. It uses a qualitative approach, phenomenological method, and semi-structured interviews with industry experts to investigate lived experiences and insights. The findings indicate that mobile platforms improve consumer interaction through immediacy and accessibility, while AI enhances operations through predictive analytics and automation. Nonetheless, issues about diversity and ethical responsibility persist as significant concerns. The research suggests that mobile and AI technologies serve as transformational agents, necessitating enterprises to reconcile technical innovation with ethical accountability. By implementing inclusive, transparent, and proactive communication strategies, insurance businesses may use these technologies to cultivate trust, enhance stakeholder relationships, and adeptly negotiate the intricacies of Society 4.0. This study offers a framework for incorporating developing technology into corporate communication and public relations by social norms and expectations.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Natasha Constantin, Raynaldi Nelwin, Irwansyah Penggunaan dan Kepuasan terhadap Video Pendek melalui Media Sosial TikTok: Systematic Literature Review 2024-12-10T04:49:07+00:00 Almira Adani Rusman Nabila Adistri Irwansyah <p><em>In the ever-changing internet era, mobile media consumption has shifted significantly from text content to video content. Short video applications serve as a solution to fill fragmented free time, offering fast and easily accessible entertainment. These videos often have diverse content and can interact with each other across platforms, allowing users to engage more deeply and enjoy a more dynamic viewing experience. Since the advent of the Internet, uses and gratifications theory has also been applied to various types of digital platforms, for example, to help understand the role of E-WoM moderation and traditional media advertising in choosing fast food outlets. This study aims to analyze user motivations and satisfactions in using TikTok as a digital platform with uses and gratifications theory (UGT). This study uses the Systematic Literature Review method to obtain research data. The results of this study indicate that uses and gratifications theory (UGT) has a relationship with awareness and use of TikTok social media. There are several drives and motivations that each user has related to the use of TikTok social media, especially the FYP feature, namely entertainment, media for self-expression, escape from reality, and user loyalty to access certain content.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Almira Adani Rusman, Nabila Adistri, Irwansyah Komunikasi Partisipatif Relawan Pemadam Kebakaran dalam Menanggulangi Kebakaran di Kota Bengkulu 2024-12-13T02:10:38+00:00 Nabila Nur Syafitri Yuliati Dionni Ditya Perdana <p><em>Fire is a disaster that often occurs in Indonesia, one of the areas that has a fairly high fire rate is Bengkulu City. Therefore, this research is very relevant to find the right solution in improving coordination and quick response in handling fire disasters through community participatory communication in the Volunteer Fire Fighter program. This research aims to analyze how participatory communication is carried out by Firefighter Volunteers in dealing with fires in Bengkulu City. The focus of this research uses the concept of participatory communication which consists of four indicators, namely heteroglasia, dialogic, polyphony and carnival. Using a qualitative approach, this research involved in-depth interviews with several members of the Volunteer Fire Department and the Head of the Prevention Division of the Bengkulu City Fire and Rescue Service. The results of the research show that the participatory communication of the Bengkulu City Fire Brigade Volunteers has gone well, marked by the fulfillment of four important indicators of participatory communication, namely heteroglasia, dialogue, polyphony and carnival. The presence of Bengkulu City Volunteer Fire Fighters with good participatory communication has also increased the speed of response in handling fires. Apart from that, solid cooperation between members of the Volunteer Fire Department and the Government and the Bengkulu City Fire and Rescue Service also increases the effectiveness of fighting fires. This research concludes that participatory communication from Volunteer Firefighters has great potential in increasing the effectiveness of fire management in Bengkulu City, but needs to be supported by a better government role.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nabila Nur Syafitri, Yuliati, Dionni Ditya Perdana Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Informasi pada TikTok: Studi Uses and Gratification di Era Digital 2024-12-25T00:50:07+00:00 Nabila Adistri Almira Adani Rusman Irwansyah <p><em>This study examines the application of the Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) in understanding TikTok users' information needs in the digital era. Utilizing a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews, it explores the motivations, experiences, and perceptions of active TikTok users, predominantly digital natives. The findings reveal that TikTok effectively satisfies user information needs via intelligent algorithms delivering hyper-personalized content. Entertainment, education, and social interaction emerge as primary motivations for TikTok usage. Moreover, the platform offers practical value, such as skill tutorials, lifestyle inspiration, and product reviews tailored to individual needs. However, challenges such as questionable information validity and irrelevant content persist. This research reinforces UGT by uncovering the complex dimensions of digital media use, encompassing psychological, cognitive, and social interactions. TikTok functions beyond a mere information channel, evolving into a dynamic digital space where knowledge, identity, and technology interact continuously. The study also highlights the role of TikTok as both an educational and entertainment platform, capable of providing solutions to everyday problems while fostering social connections. The implications extend to enhancing UGT by showcasing how modern media address multifaceted user needs. Recommendations include improving content validation mechanisms to increase credibility. This research offers valuable insights into how social media platforms like TikTok can adapt to evolving user demands, ensuring relevance and utility in the digital landscape</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nabila Adistri, Almira Adani Rusman, Irwansyah Perspectives of Snake Owners in Indonesia on Understanding Information about Snakes and Snakebites 2024-12-24T08:15:26+00:00 Fahira Salima Rayhani Herlina Agustin Gumgum Gumilar <p><em>This study uses a mixed-methods approach to examine the perspectives of snake owners in Indonesia regarding snakes, venomous species, and snakebite management. A survey was distributed to 1,109 respondents, with 109 participants) forming the core group for analysis. The research aims to assess snake owners’ knowledge about venomous snakes, handling snakebites, and myths surrounding these reptiles. Findings indicate that while the public generally fears snakes, many reptile enthusiasts in Indonesia keep snakes as pets for reasons such as hobby, conservation, and education. However, a significant gap in knowledge exists regarding the identification of venomous versus non-venomous snakes, with some respondents unable to distinguish between them accurately. Additionally, while most respondents recognized the importance of immobilization following a snake bite, some still believed in outdated and dangerous practices, such as suctioning or cutting the wound. The study also uncovered that while most participants view snakes as ordinary creatures, a small portion still holds superstitions, such as believing snakes are evil spirits. This perpetuates fear and misunderstanding of snakes. In conclusion, the research highlights the need for better education on snake identification, proper bite management, and debunking myths to improve the safety of snake keeping in Indonesia. Increased public awareness and accurate information can help mitigate the risks of keeping snakes as pets and foster a more informed and responsible approach to reptile care.</em></p> 2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fahira Salima Rayhani, Herlina Agustin, Gumgum Gumilar The Use of Video Call Sex in Fulfilling Sexual Desires: Jacques Lacan's Perspective 2024-10-28T16:23:34+00:00 Frisky Freny Matahari Eli Jamilah Mihardjha <p><em>The emergence of digital technology, particularly online communication, has opened up new avenues for fulfilling sexual desires. Video call sex is one such phenomenon, offering an alternative for long-distance sexual interaction. Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic concepts of the real, imaginary, and symbolic provide a unique lens for analyzing this phenomenon. This research aims to analyze the phenomenon of using video call sex to fulfill sexual desires according to Lacan's psychoanalytic perspective. This qualitative study employed in-depth interviews with three female participants who actively engaged in video call sex. The findings reveal that modern communication media have transformed traditional concepts of sexuality, enabling virtual activities like video call sex to fulfill sexual needs. Desire, as Lacan posits, is the primary motivator for engaging in video call sex. Sexual satisfaction in this context is not solely reliant on the physical presence of a partner but also on their mental image, or imagination. This unfulfilled desire continually demands satisfaction, leading individuals to repeatedly engage in such activities. Lacan's perspective suggests that video call sex has shifted from a need to a desire. This desire, residing in the realm of symbols and the unconscious, necessitates continuous fulfillment. This research contributes to the understanding of how technology shapes modern sexuality and how psychoanalytic concepts can offer insights into the motivations and dynamics of virtual sexual practices.</em></p> 2025-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Frisky Freny Matahari, Eli Jamilah Mihardjha Pemanfaatan Instagram Sebagai Media Promosi Make Up Artist Anabella 2024-12-31T07:11:09+00:00 Mega Ulva Sihombing Nurhawati Simamora Rizky Indah Fitria <p>Pengguna internet media sosial semakin ramai digunakan oleh masyarakat dunia. Media sosial diyakini sebagai usaha untuk melakukan pemasaran produk atau jasa. Kini para make up artist (MUA) dapat mempromosikan layanan mereka melalui media sosial, salah satunya adalah Instagram. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pemanfaatan instagram sebagai media promosi make up artist Anabella. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan Instagram sebagai media promosi pada Anabella make up dengan menggunakan teori <em>promotion mix dan marketing mix </em>dari kotler dan Armstrong yaitu <em>Advertising, price, product, place, dan promotion</em>. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Anabella telah memanfaatkan Instagram sebagai media promosi dengan baik dan tepat. Penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa dalam lima indikator komunikasi promosi yang diaplikasikan oleh make up artist Anabella di media sosial Instagram pada teori promostion mix dan marketing mix adalah periklanan (<em>advertising) </em>dan promosi (<em>promotion) </em>sedangkan harga (<em>price</em>), produk (<em>product</em>), dan tempat (<em>place) </em>tidak diaplikasikan karena menyesuaikan dengan <em>client </em>yang akan di make up. periklanan (<em>advertising</em>), dan promosi (<em>promotion</em>) merupakan indikator yang paling dominan dilakukan oleh Anabella make up. Anabella melakukan Periklanan (<em>advertising</em>), dan promosi (<em>promotion</em>) dengan menggunakan media sosial Instagram dengan memanfaatkan fitur yang ada seperti story, Instagram reels, Instagram feed, dan juga Ads on Instagram untuk menjangkau dan menarik konsumen.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mega Ulva Sihombing, Nurhawati Simamora, Rizky Indah Fitria Pengaruh Digital Branding Terhadap Minat Kunjung Pada Pelanggan D’raja Coffee 2024-12-31T07:27:43+00:00 Evi Enitari Napitupulu Rachel Mia L. Lbn Toruan Martha Sihombing <p><em>D’raja Coffee merupakan sebuah kedai kopi yang cukup popular di Kota Medan. Pelangganya datang dari berbagai kalangan umur. Seiring dengan potensi pasar kuliner yang bukan hanya merupakan tempat makan namun juga menyajikan kenyamanan bagi para pengunjungnya. Hal ini menjadikan menjadikan D’raja Coffee yang berdiri tahun 2013 ini setiap harinya cukup ramai dikunjungi pengunjung.</em><em> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui digital branding berpengaruh terhadap minat kunjung pada pelanggan D’raja Coffee. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi pada penelitian ini merupakan konsumen D’raja Coffee sebanyak 4.200 orang. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 98 responden dengan menggunakan teknik Sample Random Sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah Uji Instrument, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Uji Regresi Linear Sederhana, Uji Hipotesis serta Uji Koefisien Determinasi dengan menggunakan program SPSS Version 24 for Windows, Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan melalui uji parsial (uji t) dapat dilihat bahwa variabel Digital Branding nilai t<sub>hitung</sub> 8,027 &gt; t<sub>tabel </sub>1,98498 artinya positif. Dimana nilai p-value pada kolom Sig. 0,000 &lt; 0,05 artinya signifikan. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa Digital Branding berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat kunjung pada pelanggan D’raja Coffee Gatot Subroto Medan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan hipotesis diterima.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Digital Branding berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat kunjung pada pelanggan D’raja Coffee serta Digital Branding mempengaruhi minat kunjung pada pelanggan D’raja Coffee sebesar 40,20%, hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa 59,80% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar persamaan variabel yang tidak diteliti.</em></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Evi Enitari Napitupulu, Rachel Mia L. Lbn Toruan, Martha Sihombing Manajemen Kesan Customer Relation pada Brand DNVB di Instagram melalui Perspektif Dramaturgi 2024-10-28T16:18:02+00:00 Putri Erma Nailir Rochmah Jenny Ratna Suminar Nindi Aristi <p><em>The development of the times and technology has changed the consumer communication landscape, involving social media such as Instagram as the primary medium of interaction between consumers and brands. DNVB Indonesia uses Instagram as a medium of interaction because it can reach consumers more widely. This research explores how DNVB Indonesia utilizes Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Customer Relationship Officer (CRO) to build consumer interactions and impressions through a dramaturgical theory approach. This study uses a qualitative methodology with an intrinsic case study approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The research results show that the effectiveness of Instagram use by DNVB Indonesia is supported by a communication strategy that involves the 'mini' character and the active role of CRO in building personal and relevant relationships with consumers. CROs are essential in ensuring satisfying interactions by applying dramaturgical theory to create a positive impression. This theory divides social interactions into front and back stages, with the CRO acting as an actor who must maintain the company's image in front of consumers. These findings provide strategic insights for DNVBs in managing customer expectations and creating more robust and meaningful relationships through digital interactions.</em></p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Erma Nailir Rochmah, Jenny Ratna Suminar, Nindi Aristi National Media Narratives on The Identity of the Local Community of Cirendeu Indigenous Village 2024-07-30T04:49:55+00:00 Rasyid Naufal Hadi Suprapto Arifin Iwan Koswara <p><em>This research aims to analyze how the national media's narrative concerning Kampung Adat Cirendeu influences the identity of the local community. Kampung Adat Cirendeu, situated in Cimahi City, West Java, is a traditional village that strives to preserve its customs and local wisdom amidst the pressures of modernization. Utilizing a qualitative approach with a framing analysis method, this study reveals that the media plays a crucial role in shaping public perceptions of indigenous identities through its framing of news coverage. The findings indicate that the media significantly impacts how the identity of the Cirendeu community is perceived by selectively highlighting specific aspects of their lives, such as their customs, cultural practices, and the challenges they face. The presentation of news by the media often emphasizes certain elements while downplaying others, thereby influencing public understanding and attitudes towards the traditional village. This study underscores the importance of media narratives in the construction of cultural identity and suggests that further research could explore the implications of media representation on indigenous communities' social and cultural dynamics.</em></p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rasyid Naufal, Hadi Suprapto Arifin, Iwan Koswara Komunikasi Internal BUMN dalam Menjembatani Kesenjangan Generasi 2024-10-21T20:29:02+00:00 Erni Irdewanti Yustikasari Siti Karlinah <p><em>As Indonesia's workforce is dominated by Generations Y and Z, understanding and managing such generational differences is crucial for organizations today. This study explores intergenerational communication at PT TWC, a state-owned enterprise, and analyzes the company's efforts to bridge the generational gap. Using a qualitative approach, the researchers conducted observations and interviews with teams managing internal communication. The findings show the communication gap is driven by differences in values, mindsets, and technology preferences between Generations X, Y, and Z. To address this, PT TWC developed an internal "Percaya" campaign with seven programs across formal media (intranet portal, internal social media, town hall meeting) and informal media (community activities and internal sharing sessions). The campaign is led by a task force team from the "cusper" generation, seen as competent to implement programs bridging the intergenerational divide.</em></p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Erni Irdewanti, Yustikasari, Siti Karlinah Digital Communication In Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study On The Use Of Satisfaction Surveys 2025-02-12T14:29:03+00:00 Asih Handayanti Ferry Darmawan <p><em>The use of digital surveys is becoming increasingly important in collecting customer satisfaction data, especially in the competitive garment accessories industry. However, the limited representation of respondents in digital surveys remains a challenge. This study aims to explore the factors that influence customer satisfaction, focusing on product quality, service speed, and feedback systems. A qualitative approach with a case study method is applied to understand customer experiences in depth. Data were collected through an online survey focusing on key aspects of customer satisfaction and analyzed descriptively. The findings show that product quality is a key factor in customer satisfaction, while service speed and a responsive feedback system become more important for new customers. Although digital surveys are effective in capturing customer perceptions, bias can occur due to the limited representation of customers less familiar with digital technology. These results align with findings in other industries, which show the importance of service quality and responsive interactions in building customer satisfaction. However, a multi-channel approach is recommended to improve respondent representation in digital surveys. This research provides insights into the factors that affect customer satisfaction in a digital context and recommends a multi-channel survey strategy to improve the validity and representativeness of the results.</em></p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Asih Handayanti, Ferry Darmawan